Safety: Safety first Schindler 9300 meets or exceeds all the requirements of national and international standards, including EN 115 and ANSI. Drive: Energy saving with VVVF, or one speed motor
Control: Time or flow of passenger Decoration: Harmonized finishes and streamlined design, a wide choice of materials, colors and finishes is offered for all visible elements such as balustrade, handrails, claddings and floor covers. The elegant, rounded balustrade, the innovative, stylish handrail entry and the optional balustrade and skirt lighting have timeless appeal.
Smooth ride: Advanced gear technology sets new levels of quietness and smoothness of operation. ***ce save: Co***ct structure in combination with the choice of three different step widths allow the best compromise between passenger flow rate and minimum ***ce requirements Application: In addition to the features for commercial applications, we provide speical customerized designe to comply with the complex demands of public transport authorities, in door or out of door use |